Missing Content
Looking for a specific file or want to contribute?
Browse Available and Missing Files
Missing Files:
Check the list of missing games, DLCs, or updates on nx-missing.ghostland.at. This site offers advanced tools to track unavailable content and report missing files. -
Available Files:
Browse all the files already available in our shop on nx-content.ghostland.at. This site includes detailed features like interactive galleries and a customizable interface.
Request or Contribute a File
To request a missing file or contribute by sharing files (such as .nsp, .xci, or others), follow these steps:
- Check existing files: Visit nx-content.ghostland.at and nx-missing.ghostland.at.
- Submit your request or contribution: Use our request form to share a link to the missing file or report an error.
Note: Direct file uploads to our server are not yet supported. However, you can share your files via Telegram or our social media platforms, accessible here.
About the Platforms
NX Missing
A modern web application for tracking missing Nintendo Switch content:
- Tracked Content:
- Base games
- DLCs
- Recent updates
- Historical update versions
- Key Features:
- 📱 Responsive design for mobile and desktop
- 🌓 Light and dark mode support
- 🔍 Advanced search and content sorting
- 📊 Detailed tables with sorting options
- 🎮 Real-time game icon loading
- 🔄 Auto-formatting for dates and file sizes
The source code for NX Missing is available here: NX-Missing on GitHub.
NX Content Tracker
A modern application for tracking available Nintendo Switch content:
- Key Features:
- 🎮 Tracking games, updates, and DLCs
- 🔍 Advanced search with customizable precision
- 🌓 Support for light and dark themes
- 📱 Fully responsive design
- 📊 Detailed information for each content item
- 🖼️ Interactive gallery with zoom, rotation, slideshow, and control via keyboard, mouse, or touch gestures
- 🔄 Auto-refresh and customizable display settings
The source code for NX Content Tracker is available here: NX-Content on GitHub.
Technical Note
The sites nx-missing and nx-content provide constantly updated information. These data are refreshed every hour via a cron job executed from a remote server, ensuring optimal accuracy for both available and missing content.