Ghost eShop Project :

  • Ghost0159 for the core project
  • TomTalker for giving the idea to Ghost0159 to create the very first UniStore of Ghost eShop
  • Ghost eShop Team (4 Members) for maintaining the Ghost eShop and continuing to maintain it

Homebrew :

Database (games icons, roms...) :

Translations :

Donor (for server support) :

  • Airen
  • AnityEx
  • W00fer
  • Victorma#8178
  • Gunther
  • Culex
  • Froidenpunk
  • Chaos_Archangel
  • Deep_Diver
  • Somebody
  • meganuggetts
  • Shadowmeire
  • fabul
  • George072890
  • ETR34
  • hart

Other :

  • Dhalian for some icons, as the former main icon of the Ghost eShop, and for the video "Introducing Ghost eShop"
  • MaRiuS for helping to bring together all the members of the Ghost eShop Team, at the beginning

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